Monday, September 21, 2009

Recent Pictures

Here is a smattering of pictures from our month so far. We had a long week of rain that was actually quite refreshing after the summer heat. Our little Fall garden got it's fair share of water for the time being.

Josh found this snail crawling along the house during all the rain.
I made German apple pancake to celebrate the Fall weather. It makes the house smell so good!
Annie loved to watch the rain fall and the birds out our front window. She looked so cute that morning I took a couple pictures of her...

Sleepy head.

Annie loves stuffed animals. I thought kids would like actual toys better, but I guess it's just cause Annie is a girl and likes soft fuzzy things like her mommy.
This morning Annie was drinking water through a straw. I've let her drink water before from one, but this time she held it all by herself.

She did great and didn't even spill it till a long while later. Maybe I should get her a sippy cup that includes a straw.


Bare Naked Blog w/Bekah said...

Ahhhh... you always make me hungrrrry...

banderclip said...

lol! Was it the snail or the pancake? ;) I can send you the recipe if you want. It's super easy! (the pancake that is)