Sunday, December 20, 2009

It seems this Christmas time has been super busy. I think being gone for Thanksgiving made it feel as if I was running behind on things. As it was, it took me about a week to decorate the house and Christmas tree. One day I would pull down the Fall stuff on the piano and dust it. The next day I would try to put more things out, but I just have been real tired with the baby. Pretty soon I'll be in my third trimester!

Here are some photos of recent happenings:

We attended the Gospel for Asia Christmas party. It was quite fun - though we left early since Annie started getting tired out. There was another party the next night, but we opted out since Josh was feeling sick that whole day.
Don't they look so nice? :)

Annie "reading" to Daddy.
Yesterday she asked for Josh to read to her and she stayed snuggled up to him for quite a while. It was so adorable!

I wrapped most of the presents today and Annie had to investigate. :)

My baby is a little girl! Sad, but nice at the same time.
Annie has loved getting to play outdoors. Now that the ants are hiding underground I don't have to worry as much about her getting bit. She likes to find rocks to sort in piles and sticks to "stir" the leaves or rocks.

Josh playing on the computer. It's nice to have a computer guy for a husband. He fixed my printer so I can print my coupons. yay!

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