Friday, December 4, 2009

Thanksgiving in the Great White North

We enjoyed spending Thanksgiving in Canada. I took a while to post this because we had trouble with pictures, but it's all better now. :)

Josh could keep up with stuff back home with his super cool laptop.
Cozy morning! It got pretty cold there, but not like I expected with tons of snow and ice. We would have had trouble visiting Niagara Falls and such if it was that bad, so we were quite happy.
We decorate the house for Christmas. The guys left this job to us ladies while they blasted aliens down in the basement...

Annie "helped" Auntie Katie put the lights on the tree.

The finished masterpiece!
Annie had a ball running through the house. She was really good and kept away from things (in general) that should was not allowed to touch. One of her favorite spots was the entryway where we kept our shoes. She is 100% girl and loves shoes, so she hung out there and "arranged" them or brought them to us to try on.
We got to see Niagara Falls while there - but we had to bundle up considerably. We were thankful for the snowsuit my mom got for Annie. She looked really cute in it, sort of like a pink marshmallow. :)
We had to hold both her hands to keep her with us since the snowsuit was slippery and we kept her hands in the mitten part. That's a leaf stuffed into her mitten because she was forever stopping to pick up leaves but couldn't with her hands in the mittens.
Dad pulled buggy duty. :)
My weird and happy family. :) I love them!
The Falls! This was Josh and Annie's first time to see it. There was a lot of mist that day. It felt like it was raining the closer you got to the falls because of all the mist.
We stopped at Timmy's to warm up and have some yummy coffee/hot chocolate (Canadians don't know what cocoa is) and Timbits (donut holes).
Annie had teddy grahams. She loves them so much because they are shaped like bears. I will give her one and she will exclaim, "Bear!" and give it a kiss before eating it.
Grandma reading a book to Annie.
The guys waiting for the turkey to be ready.
Some stranger was there, so we had pity and fed her.

We opened presents the next morning after Thanksgiving. Annie was happy just to cuddle with grandpa.

It was great to see everyone! Annie did very well on the plane rides, and we got a free seat for her both ways. We got stuck at the gate while the plane was being repaired on the way home, but after we got in the air Annie fell asleep. Thank you for your prayers otherwise we'd all be lumps by the time we landed! :)


Bare Naked Blog w/Bekah said...

Love the photos! I'm glad you had a good time =)

Amy said...

Ah, Tim Horton's....Would you like a donut to go with that combo? eh?