Monday, February 4, 2008

Hamming it Up

The ham turned out really yummy! Though it wasn't beautiful, it still tasted great. :D It was too huge for Josh and I to eat by ourselves, so we had my parents and sister over. That was quite fun, since our table it only a small card table. It's perfect for the size of our apartment dining room, but when company comes we just eat in the living room. That was when I realized I neglected to dust the coffee table. It has probably a centimeter of dust on it...I dusted all the corners and things, but forgot that a coffee table tends to collect dust when left to it's own for weeks.

So we had lots of leftovers, which works according to my devious plan to make it last a long time. Thankfully, Josh likes it. ;)

Tonight I'm going to coffee with some girlies to hang out for a while. I'm excited! It's been a long work day, so a relaxing time of conversation and coffee sounds wonderful.

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