Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some pictures from January

Annie made a new friend, Emily.

She has been getting some formula lately with my supply low. She looks so big holding the bottle all by herself!
Annie is trying so hard to crawl - no I'm not ready!
The dr. said to start giving her a sippy cup with her solid food...she doesn't quite get the idea yet.
The sippy part is rubber and she loves chewing on it. And the handle.

It has been so exciting to watch Annie grow and learn new skills. She wants very much to do the same thing mommy and daddy do. Oh! And she has said dada and Momma! She won't do it when we ask her to say it though. It just comes spontaneously and I make a big deal out of it so she will keep doing it. :)

1 comment:

Elicia said...

annie is such an adorable baby!!!