I figured I better start writting my side of our story before I put it off too long and never actually do it. :) Here goes:
The first time I met Josh was at an intern meeting August 3 years ago. All I remember thinking about him was that he was a nice guy and quiet, which I liked, but only in a passing thought. I pretty much didn't have him in my radar for a really long time. I thought I liked someone else so most of my aspirations marriage-wise were elsewhere. ;) Way to sneak up on me, Josh. hehe Serves me right for asking God to suprise me. :D
We became friends as he worked with one of my close friends and I ate lunch with her almost every day back then. He didn't know many people at the time so he ate with her, too. I felt bad for him being in girl company, so I tried to include him in the conversations or make sure we didn't talk about stuff that was too girly. He didn't say much usually, but he would turn red if I teased him. o:)
After a couple months we all were friends (a group of us hung out all the time). I thought things were more fun when Josh was around, but I just attributed it to him being a nice guy and all.
I was getting ready to leave for India and not come back for a year, so I was quite busy packing and finalizing details. For some reason I ended up doing lots of things with Josh that last week. I had suspicions that maybe he liked me, especially after my mom and dad both thought so and my mom asked me. He also knew
to the day how long I was going to be gone. I was pretty upset and felt like Josh was ruining all my plans. I didn't like him like that at all! We were just friends that's it. haha
So after I left for India I didn't talk to him much at all. He perplexed me by sending a postcard, cd's and letters. I could almost always count on him to start conversations over instant messaging whenever online. I tried to talk to him without making him think I liked him - but that turned out to just be mean. Poor guy! I can't believe he stuck through all this to marry me.
So he wrote me an email late in the year asking if he had done anything that offended me since he noticed some tension between us. "That's right there's tension!" I was thinking... So I replied and let him know my concerns, making sure he knew I had no desire for anything beyond friendship. That ensued a lot of conversation back and forth so we could still be friends and not stay at odds.
I prayed a lot about this and finally just gave up my will to the Lord. I just wanted what He had in mind. He could have all I was hanging onto. That gave me a lot more peace. hehe
I came home for Christmas break and during that time the Lord showed me that I really did like Josh after all - I had simply assigned all these nice dreams and desires onto another person, when in actually that was Josh the whole time. It made a lot more sense to me after looking back on all our times together. I was soooo happy! I got to tell him a few days later after keeping him in suspence. hehe o:)
We started courting/dating and we did
a lot of correspondence and phone calls over thousands of miles. He went to India for a year after I got back, so you can imagine the stress factor. We learned a lot through that time, though. I was so happy to have him home again in April!
In June, while sitting on a bench in a beautiful garden Josh asked me to marry him. I was so suprised and happy I had to ask him if he was serious - which he was. I told him yes I would. :)