Thursday, October 29, 2009

Put Your Little Foot Out...

Annie is officially walking now! She started a few weeks ago and has been practicing ever since. She just let go of the couch one night and started walking off! It's fun to see her toddle around and learn how to balance while picking toys off the floor. She loves to walk around with a ball in her two hands saying, "Ball! Ball!!"

Today I was in the kitchen and had placed her car seat in one corner. Josh is out of town right now, working on his parents' house to get it ready for winter, so I am without a car. Thus the car seat is in the kitchen. Annie loves to sit in it with a collection of toys, soaking in the glamor of sitting in the car seat in the house without be strapped in! She then proceeded to take my measuring cups and spoons out of the cabinet (one of the cupboards I let her get into) and one by one placed them in her chair. She looked so adorable walking back and forth from the cupboard to the chair.

Annie is learning the concept of "putting away". I showed her how to put the measuring cups and spoons back into their proper place while saying "putting away!" like it was the most fun thing in the whole world. ;) Then she caught on and usually does it when I prompt her, while saying "AWAY!" every now and then (Annie not me).

It's so fun to have a little girl! We're hoping to find out soon whether she has a baby brother or sister arriving in April.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October Photos

After two or three weeks of being sick with various ailments I'm back to blogging. :) We finally were able to visit the pumpkin patch to take some fun pictures. The surprising part was they did not have an actual "patch" of pumpkins like I am used to, rather they placed already picked and cleaned pumpkins in a large field. Voila! No mud and mess! :) They had lots of fun little spots for kiddos, and I think if Annie was a little older she would have enjoyed it more. Her favorite part was picking up straw from the ground and playing with the "balls" (pumpkins).
You know how hard it is to capture wild babies?? We put this little stinker in jail right away. ;)

Playing in the hay.
She was also always losing her shoe.
I love this picture! Baby on a mission.

Our little pumpkin in the pumpkins. :)

Annie's expression here cracks me up.

With auntie Katie and Snoopy!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

2 years ago

Two years ago I married the my best friend. It has only gotten better! I love you dear...

(I ought to have posted this on the 29th, but life happened.)