I'm not sure if people will want to hear all the details of Annie's delivery, but I wanted to have a place it was recorded in case I forget (ha).
I had been having contractions for a week before Annie showed up. They weren't too intense, but they did not go away. We went to the hospital a couple times thinking the baby was coming (complete with a wheelchair ride), but it wasn't quite time. :) Thursday morning at 3:30 I noticed that the contractions were very strong, but only 10 minutes or so apart, so I decided to try and wait until my scheduled appointment that afternoon at 2:15. By the time Josh was ready to leave for work they were about 5-10 minutes apart. He stayed home for a little while longer to make sure I was okay and then left for work. My mom was coming anyway to visit and wait with me until it was "time". Almost right after Josh left my contractions became extremely strong and 3-4 minutes (sometimes 2) apart and I knew for sure the baby was coming (Finally! I never was sure earlier). I called Josh to come home anxious for him to come in time, but he didn't answer. I called 3 times and was near tears when he picked up. There was something going on at work so he couldn't answer earlier. Anyways, he drove home with his hazard lights on, something I never thought would happen with this baby. Josh told me later he thought my water had broken.
Mom and my grandparents arrived right about the same time he walked in the door and by then I was so tense the contractions were very painful. I wasn't feeling very social unfortunately and we left as soon as possible, almost forgetting the toiletries I packed.
We had to first see the doctor for her to make sure I was in labor. It was so hard to wait in the office for her to see me while having contractions every 3 minutes. The only thing that helped was breathing. I bet the other people in the waiting room were wondering what my problem was. Josh was so supportive the whole time. I nearly squeezed his hand off, but he said it wasn't so bad. ;)
The doctor saw me and as fast as she could checked me and let me go to Labor & Delivery. I really wanted a wheelchair and Josh helped me hobble quickly to the room where I could lay down. You know how hard it is to answer questions from a nurse in the middle of a contraction? I signed my life away and then got an epidural. I felt so bad because my mom had wanted to see me, but I was waiting for the epidural before seeing visitors. Then we had to wait for the epidural to take effect.
The nurse was monitoring everything and noticed the baby's heartbeat go down too far right about the time I was starting to feel normal again. She moved me from side to side but it didn't help. Thankfully the baby's heart went back up and it was all okay. They said my contractions were probably too strong for the baby since they were so close together so rapidly from this morning. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions but it made me shake real bad. Poor Josh was watching the whole time and holding my hand. He didn't look at all nervous or scared. He's an expert ice chip feeder, too! :) I heard the nurse call for an O.R. to be prepped and I think that made me shake more.
The shot wore off and the contractions started again and things seemed to be okay. Then the baby's heartbeat went down again and couldn't be brought up. Josh had just stepped out to get some tea, since things were seemingly okay, when all these nurses and my doctor came in and got me ready to leave for an emergency c-section. Josh came in just in time to help us out the door. He had to get some scrubs before going in the operating room. I was so scared and Josh was trying hard to get in the room to be there next to me. They finally let him in and he held my hand while they opened me up and got the baby out. The doctor said the baby was all wrapped up in the umbilical cord and that the cord actually came out first instead of Annie. I cried when I heard her wailing.
It had been 3 hours from the time of our arrival at the hospital to the time she was born. Here I had figured to be ready to push around dinner time or something! Anastasia Rose Hewitt was born at 1:58 pm and weighed 6lbs 1.7oz's - 18 inches long. She was so beautiful. I couldn't hold her because I was shaking so hard, but I could touch her face and talk to her. Josh got to hold her and go to the nursery as they gave her a bath.
After that it was all recovery and enjoying our baby girl. :)
Pics to follow. :D